Arab Birthday Greetings Question: Is The Celebration Of A Prophet's Birthday Halal Or Haram? Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ra)?

Question: Is the celebration of a Prophet's birthday Halal or Haram? Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad(ra)? - arab birthday greetings

Question: Is a celebration of the birthday of the Prophet halal or haram? Hazrat Mirza Tahir Ahmad (ra) - 10 August, 95 to 3 minutes - Liqama'al Arab - Eng / Ara


OpenMind... said...

Astafirallahalazim is haram. Since the Prophet is human, we must celebrate. It is not your God

samsscul... said...

You need to leave these r & s misloms sticky side with well-false, deceitful and abroad. Go

Spirit Walker said...

Am I eligible to take mean when you say, Mohamed "prophet?" If so, why would anyone celebrate your birthday? Hatred, war, child abuse, women are treated like slaves. That's what we want to celebrate? Sooooo sad.

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